Download netscape aol
Download netscape aol

download netscape aol

I am still to this day amazed anything would be based off of Nyetscape after the debacle that was NS 4.x, and cannot believe the number of people still using V4 despite it’s endless array of flaws, errors and crashes.Īs it is, I still daily pull my hair out over DHTML issues with all versions of NS/Moz. Netscape was never the perfect browser at least not if you were a (hangs head in shame) web designer. I think that AOL is just trying to protect their assets which is something they haven’t been doing for the last 5 years. If the AOL mail support alone kept a few thousand people from quitting AOL it would probably be worth the money to release a new Netscape browser. Slap a NS logo on top of the mozilla logos, add proprietary AOL mail support, AIM, ICQ, etc and you have a new NS browser. Releasing a new version of the Netscape browser costs almost nothing. Not maintaining the browser devalues the web site and the Netscape trademark.

download netscape aol

The fewer people that go to the less value it has to the AOL empire. As the Netscape usuage has falled so has the use of. I think NOT maintaining the Netscape browser going would be a bad decision for AOL.

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I’ve never heard anyone complain about K-meleon or Galeon or other gecko based browser hurting the mozilla foundation so why should Netscape be different? This doesn’t help the mozilla name, but it does keep the gecko usuage from falling in server logs. Ultimately the more people using the gecko code base the more webmasters write their pages with gecko in mind. For these users maintaining the Netscape browser name has value to the mozilla foundation. While Netscape releases have historically lagged behind mozilla releases I think that there are some people who either never get the message that the code base is the same as Netscape or are just more comfortable with a name they have known for years. While I have heard quite a whining on the part of mozilla advocates I don’t see how entirely the release of a new version of Netscape is as bad for the mozilla foundation as they claim.

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