Most card templates prepare one whole side of the card for you to write on. It can be your wishes for them this new year, a brief walk through memory lane, or a simple good thing you appreciate about them. As they say, you have to speak from the heart to express your innermost thoughts. You don’t need to have a format on what you want to write on this portion.

What better way can you customize a card than by adding your own heartwarming greeting on it. Feel free to apply whichever you think is applicable to the idea you have in mind. These are important details, but it is still up to you if you want to apply them on your own card. But do you know what contents should you put inside the card? Ease the crease on your forehead and read this guide that explains what and why you should put those things on your card.

This will how much you value them with the time and effort you invested on the card that you made. Although you can easily buy those, it feels more sincere to design your own gift card. You probably have seen plenty of ready-made cards in bookstores and gift shops. Special Birthday Cards Special Photo Birthday Cardĭownload What Do You Put in a Birthday Card? Handmade Birthday Cards Handmade Ladies Birthday Card Download Watercolor Birthday Cards Watercolor Painting Birthday Cardĭownload Business Birthday Cards Business Email Birthday Cardĭownload Business Professional Birthday Cardĭownload Animated Birthday Cards Funny Animated Birthday Card